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Florida Assisted Living Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders: Level II $80.00
Nursing Courses

Florida Assisted Living Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders: Level II

The personality and behavioral changes that are commonly seen with Alzheimer’s disease can be challenging for caregivers. Choosing the appropriate response for the behavior involves using person-centered care strategies.

The first part of this course describes the activities of daily living, or ADL, changes in each stage of Alzheimer’s disease. It also discusses strategies to use to help the person complete their ADLs.

The second part of this course explains the meaning behind behaviors and how to manage them. It also identifies strategies for managing caregiver stress.

The third part of this course discusses the different medical conditions related to Alzheimer’s disease and strategies to improve nutrition and hydration. It also discusses end-of-life care for those with Alzheimer’s disease.

The last part of this course describes how to create engaging activities for people with dementia. It also identifies how activities benefit people with Alzheimer’s disease.

ITEM: #1495061
  • Florida Board of Nursing
    CE Broker 24 Hours Badge

    Florida Board of Nursing (CEBroker Provider #50-290)

    Nurses will receive 4.0000 contact hours for participating in this course.
  • Florida Board of Nursing - Certified Nursing Assistants
    CE Broker 24 Hours Badge

    This is not an accredited course for professional license renewal. Florida CNAs may use this inservice toward meeting their annual inservice requirement.

    This activity is approved for 4.0000 contact hours.
  • Florida Department of Elder Affairs
    Jennifer Moore, RN-BC, DNS-CT, approved training provider (AL 8385) (HH 8386), (HSP 8387), (NH 8388) is available Wednesday from 12pm to 2 pm EST to answer questions at 877-200-0020. You may also send your questions to jmoore@relias.com . For 4.0000 contact hours.
Florida Assisted Living Alzheimer
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